OVERHOSPITALIZED is a fast paced co-op (or singleplayer) simulation game where you play as a hospital worker trying to keep alive as many patients as possible. Different diseases exist and you have to use the correct tool to cure them. Using the wrong tool could end in a disaster.

This game was created by 2 programmers, Aitor Garcia (https://www.linkedin.com/in/garciade/) and me, for the Ludum Dare 46.

we, ourselves, developed in 3 days using the Unity 3D engine.

  • Interactables and pickups: I implemented the interactables and pickups system, so that it wouldn’t be difficult to add more interactables and pickups and so trying to the player to feel good using those elements in the game.
  • Implement most of the audios.
  • Patient Dialogue System: Not very important for the gameplay of the game, but I wanted to implement a simple dialogue system to make the game more funny.
  • More stuff: Both programmers had to develop or fix more code in other classes, at the end we all have contributed in all the aspect of the game (For example, the pickups, the player, the patients, patient manager, etc…).
  • Game Design: Both programmers have made the design of the game, taking as reference «Overcooked».


You can download or play the game in the next web pages: